All AbelCam functionality has been terminated October 8th 2019

Thank you very much for the fast support. Very professional, and I appreciate that.

 Josh Ward  more>>


Edit detail for FTP Upload revision 2 of 2

1 2
Editor: sse
Time: 2009/01/16 05:33:46 GMT+0


How to configure FTP Upload

step1 in the camera window, select the device for which you want to configure FTP Upload. Click on Config

step2 Select the FTP register

  • enter ftp access information: ftp server (name or ip), user name and password
  • enter directory, where the files will be uploaded to
  • enter a file name or check time based name
  • enter the upload interval in seconds

step3 Test settings

  • click on Test Configuration to see if your settings work.
  • If you do not see a error message, the test was completed successfully

step4 check FTP Active to start the ftp upload,

  • click Save to save your settings.
  • if you save before checking FTP Active, FTP Upload will be inactive when starting AbelCam
  • if you save after checking FTP Active, FTP Upload will be active when starting AbelCam