Information for (potential) Plugin Authors
AbelCam Web Plugins are DLLs written in any .NET language.
They implement the AbelCam Web Plugin Interface and can be loaded and configured through the AbelCam Plugin configuration form.
SSE offers the following services for Plugin Authors:
- Web Plugin Sample code
send an email to to request the plugin source
you'll receive the documented C# code for the SampleWebPlugin
- Licensing
if you'd like to sell your plugin, we can handle the licensing for you.
Licenses will be sold in the AbelCam License Shop just like any other AbelCam license type.
SSE charges one third of the license fee to cover third party fees and handling.
- Optimizing
Your .NET source code is exposed, reverse engineering of .NET code is simple.
We offer protection and optimization of your plugin, contact of you would like to protect your plugin.