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Editor: sse
Time: 2009/01/16 05:02:03 GMT+0 |
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changed: - <h2>Applet !AbelCamstreaming</h2> provides video with relative motion control<p> if the video stream ends, the applet will set the hand cursor.<br> clicking on the applet will restart the video stream</p><p> <b>Parameters:</b></p><p> all parameters are optional</p><p> <font color="green"><param name="</font><font color="blue">image</font><font color="green">" value="</font><font color="blue">current<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">X</span>.mjpg</font><font color="green">"></font><br> motion jpeg stream to retrieve<br> default is current.mjpg, set it to motion.mjpg to retrieve stored pictures<br> replace <font color="blue"><span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">X</span></font> with the camera number<br></p><p><br></p><p> <font color="green"><param name="</font><font color="blue">width</font><font color="green">" value="</font><font color="blue">640</font><font color="green">"></font><br> <font color="green"><param name="</font><font color="blue">height</font><font color="green">" value="</font><font color="blue">320</font><font color="green">"></font><br> dimensions of the applet, stream will be scaled on the server end</p><p> <font color="green"><param name="</font><font color="blue">fps</font><font color="green">" value="</font><font color="blue">4</font><font color="green">"></font><br> frames per second to retrieve</p><p> <font color="green"><param name="</font><font color="blue">fps</font><font color="green">" value="</font><font color="blue">4</font><font color="green">"></font><br> frames per second to retrieve</p><p> <font color="green"><param name="</font><font color="blue">cam</font><font color="green">" value="</font><font color="blue">0</font><font color="green">"></font><br> which camera to use</p><p> <font color="green"><param name="</font><font color="blue">baseref</font><font color="green">" value="</font><font color="blue">http://localhost:8080</font><font color="green">"></font><br> if set, the applet will try to load the stream from that location.<br> by default the applet will derive the baseref from the document location.</p><p> <font color="green"><param name="</font><font color="blue">nosphere</font><font color="green">" value="</font><font color="blue">true</font><font color="green">"></font><br> use this parameter to disable motion control if you don't own a Logitech Orbit / Sphere</p><p> <param name="baserefcam" value="<font color="blue">http://localhost:8080</font><font color="green">"></font><br> set location for the motion jpeg stream, image will be appended</p><p> <font color="green"><param name="</font><font color="blue">usercam</font><font color="green">" value="</font><font color="blue">user</font><font color="green">"></font><br> <font color="green"><param name="</font><font color="blue">pwcam</font><font color="green">" value="</font><font color="blue">password</font><font color="green">"></font><br> set user and password for the motion jpeg URL</p><p> <font color="green"><param name="</font><font color="blue">basereftp</font><font color="green">" value="</font><font color="blue">http://localhost:8080</font><font color="green">"></font><br> set location for tilt / pan, commands will be appended as requested</p><p> <font color="green"><param name="</font><font color="blue">usertp</font><font color="green">" value="</font><font color="blue">user</font><font color="green">"></font><br> <font color="green"><param name="</font><font color="blue">pwtp</font><font color="green">" value="</font><font color="blue">password</font><font color="green">"></font><br> set user and password for the tilt / pan !URLs</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>Example from <span style="color: rgb(51, 204, 0);">wwwroot\java\applets\abelstreaming.inc <span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">using Server Side Include (<a href="/en/documentation/webserver/ServerSideIncludes">SSI</a>) directives</span><br></span></p><pre><applet code=AbelCamstreaming.class width="<!--#outputwidth -->" height="<!--#outputheight -->" archive="AbelCamstreaming.zip" codebase="/java/applets"> <br><param name="cam" value="<!--#currentcam -->"><br><!--#include start no tiltpan --><br><param name="nosphere" value="true"><br><!--#include stop no tiltpan --><br><br></pre><p><br></p><p> </p>
if the video stream ends, the applet will set the hand cursor.
clicking on the applet will restart the video stream
all parameters are optional
<param name="image" value="currentX.mjpg">
motion jpeg stream to retrieve
default is current.mjpg, set it to motion.mjpg to retrieve stored pictures
replace X with the camera number
<param name="width" value="640">
<param name="height" value="320">
dimensions of the applet, stream will be scaled on the server end
<param name="fps" value="4">
frames per second to retrieve
<param name="fps" value="4">
frames per second to retrieve
<param name="cam" value="0">
which camera to use
<param name="baseref" value="http://localhost:8080">
if set, the applet will try to load the stream from that location.
by default the applet will derive the baseref from the document location.
<param name="nosphere" value="true">
use this parameter to disable motion control if you don't own a Logitech Orbit / Sphere
<param name="baserefcam" value="http://localhost:8080">
set location for the motion jpeg stream, image will be appended
<param name="usercam" value="user">
<param name="pwcam" value="password">
set user and password for the motion jpeg URL
<param name="basereftp" value="http://localhost:8080">
set location for tilt / pan, commands will be appended as requested
<param name="usertp" value="user">
<param name="pwtp" value="password">
set user and password for the tilt / pan URLs
Example from wwwroot\java\applets\abelstreaming.inc using Server Side Include (SSI) directives
<applet code=AbelCamstreaming.class width="<!--#outputwidth -->" height="<!--#outputheight -->" archive="AbelCamstreaming.zip" codebase="/java/applets">
<param name="cam" value="<!--#currentcam -->">
<!--#include start no tiltpan -->
<param name="nosphere" value="true">
<!--#include stop no tiltpan -->