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Highspeed development without any support from Logitech
By: Camshaker
Rank: Newbie
Topics: 0
From: n/a
Added: 07/26/2005 - 03:28 PM

Once I bought the Logitech Sphere web-cam with pan and tilt control. The LogiTech sales promotion highlighted the pan/tilt feature. After I got it, I was very dispointed since it was not able to control the cam through web page. Browsing to logitech without any infos on that issue.

I searched for third party software and found LogiSphere 0.6.3. I installed it and requested evaluation license. The answer was prompt and LogiSphere did all what I was looking for. This was in may this year.

Since then, I got LogiSphere development information as requested week after week and was suprised about the very fast implementation of additional features. I appreciate this work very much. Even more, sse did very reliability and authentic work, thus I do not detected any system issues using LogiSphere.

Some weeks ago, I got the information that sse tried to get more detailed information about the API from Logitech directly. He visited Logitech Office in Switzerland. I do not know if there was a feedback at all but I hope he will get a positive one.

I will do a little logisphere donation since I am really impressed of the reliable highspeed development. I am pretty sure that Logitech Sphere sale will increase if Logitech will buy the source from sse and enclose it to their webcam. But what will happen to the highspeed development afterwards?

Good luck

By: sse
Rank: Forum Addict
Topics: 73
From: n/a
Added: 07/26/2005 - 04:35 PM

Thank you very much for your encouraging words.

If I did not have to work on other projects to earn my living, development would be even speedier Smile!

I like your comment about the stability of the software, as user support forums tend to focus on problems with the software.

You must have missed one of my updates. On July 18th I wrote about results from my visit to the Logitech sales offices.
Read the message I received: Request for information from Logitech rejected

Have no fear - as Logitech is not willing to cooperate, they probably have not intention to buy the source from me, just as I have no plans to sell it. I suspect they are working on similar software. As an owner of Logitech cameras I hope so, as write of LogiSphere I fear so. Undecided

In most of my projects I have direct contacts with the users of my software and services, which is something I want to keep with LogiSphere.

Development speed may go down when the software finally reaches version 1.0

The software might also support other hardware and get a different name.