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AbelCams latest Beta releases
By: sse
Rank: Forum Addict
Topics: 73
From: n/a
Added: 12/02/2010 - 06:28 PM

The Beta Releases 4.0.5 and 4.0.6 brought some important changes for AbelCam:

AbelCam 4.0.5 Release 2010-11-19

New runtime environment

* Visual Studio 2008 ? Visual Studio 2010
* {smartassembly} 4.0 ? {smartassembly} 5.5
* Advanced Installer 7.1 ? Advanced Installer 8.0
* .NET 2.0 ? .NET 3.5
* Silverlight 2.0 ? Silverlight 3.0

The switch from .NET 2.0 to .NET 3.5 means that Windows 2000 is no longer supported.
Microsoft ended support for Windows 2000 on July 13th this year - I'm not the first one not to support this OS any more...

AbelCam 4.0.6 Release 2010-12-02

AbelCam talks

* Speech synthesis configuration in Configuration/Options
* check Speak Messages to have almost all messages of the message window read
* check Configuration/Web Server Basic/Talk on Webserver Access to have countries of your viewers read
* check Configuration/SelfCheck/Speak on SelfCheck actions to read those
there's only one voice available, Microsoft Anna. She only reads english, her intonation is sometimes strange.

Other Changes

* Web Video now support non-standard MJPEG streams of some IP cameras
* New Template for LevelOne FCS-0020 IP PT Camera
* fixed SSI error on screen configurable stream
* fixed USB events:
o when you plug a USB device, it will be available in the Add Camera list without manual refresh
o when you (or someone else) unplug an active USB device, it will be removed from the camera list.
* As you might have noticed, new installer GUI allows to select installation folder

As always, those beta releases are available from the Members Only section of this web site.
As I'd like to release the new features to everybody, I am very much interested in having more people installing this latest version.
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