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I just wanted to thank you
By: WilcoB
Rank: Newbie
Topics: 0
From: USA
Added: 12/15/2005 - 07:33 AM

I just wanted to thank you for making this great program.
I've been looking for a program like this over the years but gave up every time because
 the programs lacked features or
 were just bad, or
 you needed a specific camera for it, or
 they charged too much
  (in combination with the previous things), or
 you needed advanced programming skills to get it started, or
 it would take a week to set up,
And then there's your program, which is simple to use and full of features and just works!

It's a breath of fresh air in the software world :-).

Right now I only need it for simply uploading captures but I'm looking forward to checking out the other possibilities.

Vielen Dank
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