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By: LawrenceWa
Rank: Newbie
Topics: 2
From: n/a
Added: 09/03/2011 - 07:32 PM

I sure feel like an AbelCam novice... I have it all set up on my main PC using Logitech 9000 all seems to have gone well and I am sure video is going out via my router. How ever I have not been able to see any thing yet on my X10 Sony phone. I have installed the Android Tinycam Pro software for Adroid.
I am using the default settings recommended during the installation of the AbleCam s/w and I see no plugins are active. I am using win 7.
Auto host is set for
Using release 2011.08.26.
I suspect I can use a Wi-Fi camera eventually talking directly to the router keeping an eye on my mobile home, but using a live cam through the PC has me stumped.. I am leaving my system on while I go out tonight so if any one see's my cam running, could they give me a thumbs up or down which ever is the case. Cheers.Huh?Smile!
By: MelvinG
Rank: Magna Cum Laude
Topics: 661
From: Los Angeles, USA
Added: 09/04/2011 - 04:14 AM

You wrote:
"I am sure video is going out via my router"

Are you really sure? Such as, have you been able to access your video from a computer physically located somewhere outside your own network?

I ask because I just tried to access your cam and got nothing at all. Just time-outs connecting, as if there is nothing there at all. I tried on Port 8080 (AbelCam default) and also on Port 80 (web default - just in case). Nothing there at all. To me it looks like you don't have Port 8080 forwarded to the AbelCam machine.

Of course the other possibility is that you've shut down AbelCam in the time since you posted. If you are indeed in the UK (as your IP address suggests) it was 03:00 there when I tested so maybe you shut it down and went to sleep.
By: NatashaFi
Rank: Newbie
Topics: 0
From: n/a
Added: 09/20/2011 - 06:09 AM

can't establish a connection to the server at
I am able to see it on local host8080 but if i go to test, redirect,
doesn't load.
Kinda stuck.
By: MelvinG
Rank: Magna Cum Laude
Topics: 661
From: Los Angeles, USA
Added: 09/20/2011 - 07:15 AM

I just read both your posts - here and in a Tutorials thread.

I can pretty much guarantee that your problem has to do with port forwarding setup. I don't understand what you mean by "paid for port forward" - port forwarding in my mind is a setting you make in your router that does not require buying any programs or services.

Without a good explanation of your network setup I can't give you a step-by-step to fix this. The general idea of course is that the router (the one that is between your house network and the Internet) needs to forward traffic from Internet on Port 8080 to Port 8080 on the computer where AbelCam is running. To do this you need to log into your router using a Web browser and find the page that deals with port forwarding configuration.