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Updating from ver. 3.2.3 to 4.2.6
By: HenrikV
Rank: Newbie
Topics: 1
From: n/a
Added: 03/13/2012 - 03:54 PM

I need to download the old 3.2.3 msi package again, to uninstall 3.2.3 so that 4.2.6 can update.
Please send me a download link.

I run the software as a service, and can see that the webcam is down. I stop the service and run AbelCam.exe and it tells me to upgrade to the newest version. Is there a way to disable the automatic updating, so our webcam won't go black ?
We are very satisfied with the stability of the product.

Kind Regards

By: sse
Rank: Forum Addict
Topics: 73
From: n/a
Added: 03/14/2012 - 12:49 AM

Hello Henrik

you're the only one who has not upgraded version 3.2.3 - at least nobody else is still using it.
This version is not supported anymore and you'll have to upgrade if you want to continue to use AbelCam.

The 3.2.3 installer is not online anymore - I'll send you a email.