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Bring-your-own server?
By: DanW
Rank: Newbie
Topics: 0
From: n/a
Added: 01/20/2006 - 08:21 PM

I don't know how much value this would be, but would anyone else like to specify a folder instead of wwwroot? Like what if you have an apache, etc. server with PHP, etc. installed on it, and you just want the camera's files to be in the apache server's 'root\logisphere' or something?

You might be able to do it now, I just got key today, so trying to think of other fun I could have with this.

I mention PHP support because you could store coordinates in a table and have the camera cycle through them. Or provide # of seconds, and have the camera go through a preset sequence of positions/zooms, etc.

Also, there was talk about setting the cam up to do panoramic shots, and there has to me something out there for apache or php, etc. that can stick the multiple pictures together...
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