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Editor: sse
Time: 2009/03/31 18:48:17 GMT+2 |
Note: |
changed: -<a href="/channel=--A" target="tuner"><img src="/img/down.gif" border="0"></a></font></p><p><a href="#" target="tuner"><img src="up.gif" border="0"></a> -<a href="#" target="tuner"><img src="down.gif" border="0"></a></p><p> <a href="/channel=--A" target="tuner"><img src="/img/down.gif" border="0"></a></font></p><p>Preview:<br></p><p><a href="#" target="tuner"><img src="/img/help/up.gif" border="0"></a> <a href="#" target="tuner"><img src="/img/help/down.gif" border="0"></a></p><p>
Once a TV Tuner is detected, a Tuner button is visible in the Driver Options on the Devices screen.
If you use a TV tuner device for the first time, it will be detected only after Use Cam has been checked.
After saving the device configuration, the tuner options will be available as soon as you add the device.
How to set channels:
URL | action |
http://localhost:8080/channelX=1 | set channel number 1 |
http://localhost:8080/channelX=- | decrease channel number by one |
http://localhost:8080/channelX=-- | decrease channel number until a signal is detected |
http://localhost:8080/channelX=+ | increase channel number by one |
http://localhost:8080/channelX=++ | increase channel number until a signal is detected |
http://localhost:8080/channelX=+A | increase channel number by one, autotune after changing channel |
replace X with your capture devices number
replace http://localhost:8080/ with your own host / port combination
Autotune handles the channel-to-frequency conversion and scans for the most precise frequency. Add a A to the change channel URL to activate Autotuning.
Create a text file named tuner.txt in the TV tuners config folder and list all the channels you want to use, one number per line.
When switching channels up or downwards, channels not listed in the file will be skipped.
When tuner.txt exists, both ++ and + (-- and -) will switch to the next channel listed.
It will add this code to the page, once a tv tuner has been detected:
<iframe src="" height="0" width="0" name="tuner" frameborder="0"></iframe>
TV Channel <a href="/channel=++A" target="tuner"><img src="/img/up.gif" border="0"></a>
<a href="/channel=--A" target="tuner"><img src="/img/down.gif" border="0"></a>