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Click on image centers image.
By: ErikB
Rank: New Member
Topics: 6
From: n/a
Added: 10/24/2006 - 12:44 AM


Great software. Works great with two cameras.

I was wondering if it'd be possible when you click on the image in the javascript version if you could center the image where you click. For example, if there's a window to the left and you click on it, the camera points there. This would work great for zoomed images, but maybe it's too difficult to implement.

Thanks for a great product
By: MelvinG
Rank: Magna Cum Laude
Topics: 661
From: Los Angeles, USA
Added: 10/24/2006 - 01:44 PM

I like that idea - not as a replacement for what is already there, but perhaps as an alternative. I'm not the LogiSphere developer, but I could certainly write the JavaScript to implement your idea. The math involved wouldn't be too hard, but there's a catch...

In order to do the centering thing right, the script would have to know at all times where the camera is pointed and what zoom it's set at (call it "the TPZ coordinates"). Seems easy - just keep track, in the browser where the script is running, of where we last pointed the cam. But remember that LogiSphere is a server that quite happily serves multiple clients at once. "You" could be watching the cam at the same time "I" am moving it.

What it comes down to (or so it seems to me right now) is that every time the browser grabs a new video frame from LogiSphere, it would also have to also get the PTZ coordinates that were current at the instant the frame was grabbed. I'm not seeing a good way to make a script to get those coordinates. Well, I could have it follow every "GET /current.jpg" with a "GET /getpos", and then somehow deal with the text returned by "getpos", but that's nasty and would probably do terrible things to performance.

Maybe SSE has a better idea that I haven't thought of.

I don't mind spending the time coding it if people are interested, a solution turns up for the above problem, and SSE has no objections.
By: sse
Rank: Forum Addict
Topics: 73
From: n/a
Added: 10/24/2006 - 04:14 PM

Having implemented this a long time ago for RemoteCam on WebTruck.org I can say it's not as simple as it may seem.

LogiSphere supports more than one tilt/pan device
the device can be zoomed.
the 'distance' to tilt/pan depends on the device and the current zoom.
-> for each move, there has to be a calculation.
Users would have to define a constant (hopefully it's just a constant Frin ) for their device and the zoom settings they use.
This is not easy to explain to the novice user and will lead to a lot of questions in the forum.

(The lense and camera on RemoteCam changed since I implemented this, so the example above is an example where the calculation does not work as expected...)

As MelvinG pointed out, it's much easier to implement within the server than from the client side.

I will add this to the list of features to be implemented, but it will take time...
Right now I will rather implement the TrackerPod support Cool!
By: MelvinG
Rank: Magna Cum Laude
Topics: 661
From: Los Angeles, USA
Added: 10/25/2006 - 09:35 AM

Thanks, SSE! I hadn't considered the "lens factor" nor the differences between the various supported tilt/pan devices. Those things certainly complicate matters! Wink
By: ErikB
Rank: New Member
Topics: 6
From: n/a
Added: 10/28/2006 - 03:25 AM

Thanks for adding it to the feature list. I kinda figured it wouldn't be easy.

Thanks for the continual development.
