Is there a way to use javascript to write server side includes? "!" Has to be escaped with an "\" before it will be allowed and with a "\" the server will not count it as a include. Using %21 or ! doesn't seem to help either...
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write('TEXT BEFORE <\!--#include file="/include/" --> TEXT AFTER');
The server of course ignores the include inside of the javascript.
Also in your example (from the help files):
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
camArray = new Array();
<!--#camarray -->
camNameArray = new Array();
<!--#camnamearray -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/include/functions.js?cam=<!--#currentcam -->"></script>
Wouldn't those nested comments be incorrectly considered, like the following in bold?
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
camArray = new Array();
<!--#camarray -->
camNameArray = new Array();
<!--#camnamearray -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/include/functions.js?cam=<!--#currentcam -->"></script>
Putting comments inside of comments seems to be another small problem I am having. It's not like placing <div>'s inside of <div>'s. They don't seem to nest well. Is it possible perhaps to tell the server you want to include something without using the standard html comment structure or is there another method I am not seeing?
"Turn off your computer and await further instructions."