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LxxxSphere Name Change
By: Abel
Rank: Master Contributor
Topics: 153
From: AbelCam
Added: 02/19/2007 - 12:46 PM

I have received a letter from an lawyer requesting me to change the name of both the website and the software LogiSphere to something else by 15th of this month.

The key part of their letter goes as follows:

By the name LogiSphere leaned against the product of our client "Logitech Sphere" as well as by the reference to the products of our client in your advertisement they arouse the impression there exists a business connection between our client and their undertake and the products concerned of both parties. This impression does not correspond to the truth. They try on unfair wise to participate on the good reputation which our client acquired itself by her products and the designation logitech sphere.

Looks like I have to use a different name for the software...

As I have missed their dead line already, I might be in trouble...

For a while already I have also used MultiCamXP in connection with LogiSphere - what do you think if I just change to that name?

Or should I use SeizSphere?

Other suggestions?
By: IanK
Rank: Newbie
Topics: 2
From: n/a
Added: 02/22/2007 - 07:36 PM

QUOTE: "Dear Stefan,

I was under the impression that as LogiSphere is able to run all sorts of cameras, Creative for example, and control "stuff" perhaps a change in name would benefit to a wider audience.
Although I don't have any suggestions for a new and perhaps better name. I would assume the name is shunning part of the market already. Hard life isn't it ?! Pete"

I think that sums it up very nicely. One of the biggest reasons NOT to fight is that there really is no need to have any (implied) association with Logitech. I bought Logisphere for use with a Creative Live Motion cam, and now the software can control much more. It is maybe not such a bad idea to change the name anyway. I still say (from my previous post) that a 6 month time-frame is much more reasonable, and I believe they will accept that. The first letter is simply a threat as they expect you to contest it. By agreeing to change, only asking for longer to do so, I think they will happily accept that.
Let's face facts - you don't need Logitech for your software, it already beats the hell out of any alternatives (and I tried lots). A more universal name would be a very good option, and something with the word "cam" in the title would benefit the marketing of your software hugely as most people searching (on Google??) for cam software will type "cam" into the search box. The more relevant the name to "cam", and the website also, the more likely you are to attract more customers (this is the area I specialise in, since I am responsible for the online marketing for a multi-million £ internet company). Do not underestimate the value of the name being the very thing your potential customers will search for.
Of the names so far I quite like "MultiCamSSE" as the SE part sort of implies "special edition" (even though it doesn't mean that). Possibly be very attractive to someone who doesn't know the real meaning.
Anyway, hope everything works out fine for you. However it turns out, don't quit on it - your software is by far the best and it would be a huge shame to fade away when you are already at the top of the tree.
By: Norman
Rank: Frequent User
Topics: 28
From: San Jose, CA - USA
Added: 02/23/2007 - 07:29 AM

I don't know if it's too late for suggestions, but I'd like to toss in a few I've thought up whilest reading this forum thread.

+ CamLogic (Cam Logic, CameraLogic, Camera Logic, ect.)
+ ControlCam (CamControl, Camera Control, ect.)
+ CamPanel (Control Panel for your Camera?)
+ AnyCam
+ CamServe
+ SmartCam (CamSmart?)
+ IntelliCam Control Center
+ Could take the TomTom approach, CamCam?
+ MasterCam would be nice, but I know for a fact it's in use (for CAD software...)
+ VersiCam
+ CamShare (WebCamShare (WCS?))
+ CamCenter
+ ActionCam (CamAction, Cameraction, WebCameraction)

When I start playing with words, it's hard to stop sometimes. It's just something I do, so if you want so more let me know...

Personally, my first is my favorite so far, CamLogic. Also I like the play on words with Cameraction. Seems catchy. I'll have to work on that one some more, see if I can do any better.
By: AmerM
Rank: Newbie
Topics: 0
From: n/a
Added: 02/23/2007 - 07:57 AM

This is frustrating and Logitech is stupid.

But anyways, ActionCam sounds fun!
By: sse
Rank: Forum Addict
Topics: 73
From: n/a
Added: 02/23/2007 - 08:05 AM

I added a few of your suggestions.
Cameraction sounds catchy indeed.
Those who voted already have a second vote now (Rewarding those who react swiftly... Wink)

By: NoamR
Rank: Newbie
Topics: 0
From: n/a
Added: 02/23/2007 - 08:43 AM

hi all
if thay have copy right on the name like coca cola then you have a problem but if ther name dos not have it, thay can "only" annoy you in court and that can cost money for you. if thay have made up there mind that you are doing somthing bad for them you dont have much to do. i think that you can explain to them how good this program and site are to there business thats the only ezey way to get out off this and keeping the name.

by looking at there site (logithech) thay have the falow Logitech® QuickCam® Sphere™ no right on the name sphere i think thay dont have any right on the name but as i said thay can annoy you.

good luck
noam riter
By: AchillefsM
Rank: Newbie
Topics: 1
From: n/a
Added: 02/23/2007 - 08:46 AM

Well I just had an epiphany!! I know it's too late but in case you really love the name... what about MultiCam Motion ? It includes all important functions of the program and would come up in any related search, plus it sounds nice! I think... Well i voted, so hopefully I was of some assistance.

BTW I also believe that changing the name is the right thing to do in this case. First no good reason to lose time and money to fight Logitech, plus i think that it will benefit the program too by conveying more of it's functions! I have and will continue to use it for a long time, many new ideas come to mind every now and then! I am planing for a bigger test soon with at least 6-8 cams on it.
By: ManfredS
Rank: Frequent User
Topics: 20
From: Germany
Added: 02/23/2007 - 09:04 AM

Cry Sorry,

I am still ill and speak no English.

I think however, the best solution am its own name, e.g. Seizremote or Seizcontrol (own name, general term). "Sphere" against it promotes again only Logitech.

Manfred von http://www.angelpage.de

By: ArchS
Rank: Newbie
Topics: 0
From: n/a
Added: 02/23/2007 - 10:10 AM

At that time, when I discovered this product, I had been searching the web for a program that controlled movement of a camera.

I think you would need to refer to the fact that your software product can control camera , perhaps PanTiltZoomWebCam is a possible name that reflects these properties.

If your program could be generalized to include some other camera types (if they exist) then you would be moving to an even stronger position in the market
By: sse
Rank: Forum Addict
Topics: 73
From: n/a
Added: 02/23/2007 - 04:19 PM

I received an aswer from the Logitech Corporate Counsel:

Wie bereits erwähnt stellt Ihre Verwendung des Begriffs "LogiSphere" nicht  erst seit Sommer 2005 ein "Problem" dar.

Vielmehr ergibt sich aus der  Benutzung des Begriffs "Logisphere" objektiv gesehen seit der ersten  Verwendung eine Markenrechtsverletzung, zumal sich aus der Geschäftanbahnung mit unserem Verkaufsbüro keinerlei Lizenzansprüche ableiten lassen.

Die rechtliche Grundlage des Unterlassungsanspruchs können Sie dem  anwaltlichen Schreiben entnehmen, bzw. sich darüber hinaus von einem  Rechtsanwalt beraten zu lassen.
Um den gesetzlichen Anforderungen zu genügen sind Sie aufgefordert die  Verwendung des Begriffs unmittelbar einzustellen sowie die  erforderliche Unterlassungserklärung gegenüber dem von uns beauftragten  Anwaltsbüro schriftlich abgeben. 
Anderenfalls kann eine Unterlassung  gerichtlich erwirkt werden und sich zudem Schadensersatzansprüche ergeben.    
Wir bitten Sie zur Kenntnis zu nehmen, dass die Fa. Logitech lediglich die  ihr im Rahmen des Markenrechts zustehenden berechtigten Interessen  wahrnimmt.
As previously mentioned your use of the term "LogiSphere" does not represent "a problem" only since summer 2005. 

Rather Logisphere is objectively a trademark law injury since its first use, and the contact with our sales office does not change that. 
You know the legal basis of the requirement for omission.
To meet the legal requirements you are requested to stop using the term LogiSphere at once as well as deliver the necessary omission explanation towards the law office assigned by us in writing. 
Otherwise an omission can judicially to be obtained. 

The translation is crude - maybe babblefish would have done a better job. I don't feel like translating this stuff.
Basically he is telling me I should follow that first letter by the german lawyer by the letter...

Maybe I need legal assistance to make sure I will have my 6 months to change without rushing too much...

By: AndrewG
Rank: Master Contributor
Topics: 172
From: St. Andrews, Scotland
Added: 02/23/2007 - 06:14 PM

It's a long shot but i've just emailed Click (BBC world technology) program with the below it's along shot but if they read this out on the program that might just shut logitech up.
Community driven webcam software (Logipshere.org) picks up where logitech failed 100s if not 1000s of users now faces being sued. The Logitech sphere/orbit is a pan/tilt webcam. Sadly the users were unable to pan/tilt this webcam remotely via. a web server. Logipshere a mainly community software picked up where logitech failed. In fact had it not been for Logipshere I wouldn't have bought my Sphere I know this true of other users as well. So logitech has made a more sells thanks to the software. Now because the name LOGIsphere, LOGItech wants the software name to be changed. I've been with the software for over a year and a half now. Sadly, there is no way that the Logisphere commuity could fund a legal battle to keep the name. Just another exmaple of a corporate bully.