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Cam offline warning
By: Pete
Rank: Forum Addict
Topics: 52
From: Finland
Added: 02/27/2007 - 05:07 PM

Hi! For some reason my cam went offline, but the software runs still. The log shows:

12:09:15 /current.jpg?size=40x30&this_is_the_AbelCam_online_test
12:09:16 img/nosuch.jpg
12:14:16 /current.jpg?size=40x30&this_is_the_AbelCam_online_test
12:14:16 img/nosuch.jpg
12:16:33 SelfCheck Web Server ok

It would be a good feature for a "SelfCheck Online" that did something (Email) if this happened. My cam has been online for a month so its rare but very useful IMHO.

By: sse
Rank: Forum Addict
Topics: 73
From: n/a
Added: 02/27/2007 - 06:18 PM

what you're asking for is available already.
I admit it's not obvious and tucked away, but you can find what you asked for here:
Email on Motion Settings "Send email when camera does not work"

This option is available once you store locally or with FTP upload.
As far as I remember it is also working if you don't use motion detection, but either local save or ftp upload must be active. The configuration exists for both ftp upload and local save independantly.

(also, SelfCheck does check the camera and restarts it when a problem occurs - I wonder why this did not do the job. Do you have a debug log?)
By: MelvinG
Rank: Magna Cum Laude
Topics: 661
From: Los Angeles, USA
Added: 02/28/2007 - 03:40 PM

I was kind of wondering about the SelfCheck too. In my case, I have a Web Video device that I lose occasionally - it drops off the network for a second or two and then comes right back, apparently because of noise or something on the wire.

I see that AbelCam is logging SelfTest OK events as expected for the Web Video device when it is working. But, when the device briefly drops off the network, AbelCam turns it off (Use Cam becomes un-checked), which means that it also stops trying to SelfTest that device. So, it never attempts to re-start the device (which would work, because the device losses are quite momentary) because it quit checking it.

Am I just not understanding how it is supposed to work? Or is this a fallacy in the Self Testing methodology?
By: StevenB
Rank: New Member
Topics: 11
From: n/a
Added: 02/08/2008 - 03:36 AM

Has there been any more to this topic? I would love a feature that would turn a camera back on that has been turned off because of a brief error...