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By: Sander
Rank: Newbie
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From: n/a
Added: 08/21/2005 - 02:39 PM

It would be great to besides being able to move around, to also be able to zoom! If it is a problem within the Logitech software to use the same zoom as them, maybe it is possible to build zoom into the java application, by cutting out and then enhancing part of the recieved image on the viewers end?
By: Norman
Rank: Frequent User
Topics: 28
From: San Jose, CA - USA
Added: 11/21/2005 - 07:05 AM

Just tonight I have played around enough with a flash based video delivery method. Seeing as it is flash, I was able to stick in controls for digital zoom, and the great thing about it is it's all handled on the client side. So one person can be zoomed in on one part of the image and another can be zoomed in on another. Of course if one of them moves the camera it moves it for both, but thats to be expected! :-)

Digital zoom is neat, but pretty much useless in my opinion. Your not going to gain any actual zoom, you are just cropping and enlarging; thus the image quality reduces on every enlage.
By: sse
Rank: Forum Addict
Topics: 73
From: n/a
Added: 11/21/2005 - 07:35 AM

Hi Norman,

maybe you can email me some information about this flash based delivery method, as I have considered flash video also.

By: DanW
Rank: Newbie
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From: n/a
Added: 01/20/2006 - 04:33 PM

I definitely could use some zoom control. I see this as the #1 thing Logisphere could use right now.
By: sse
Rank: Forum Addict
Topics: 73
From: n/a
Added: 01/20/2006 - 05:18 PM

From Sander:
It would be great to besides being able to move around, to also be able to zoom!

Zoom is possible with LogiCam and will be included in future versions of LogiSphere
If it is a problem within the Logitech software to use the same zoom as them, maybe it is possible to build zoom into the java application, by cutting out and then enhancing part of the recieved image on the viewers end?

Not a very good proposal, as this would waste a lot of bandwidth. Instead, the cutting is done on the server end.

Check out LogiCam, it's available from the MembersOnly page
By: DanW
Rank: Newbie
Topics: 0
From: n/a
Added: 01/20/2006 - 08:27 PM

I use Logisphere because I have an orbit and want the pan controls. I'll have to wait until the zoom controls are added to Logisphere, because I lose the remote control with Logicam, right?
By: sse
Rank: Forum Addict
Topics: 73
From: n/a
Added: 01/20/2006 - 08:48 PM

Zoom is implemented in LogiSphere 1.3 and up
By: GerardD
Rank: Newbie
Topics: 1
From: Netherlands
Added: 03/25/2006 - 11:05 AM

On Zoom:
- I noticed that it does _NOT_ use the Logitech built-in zoom.
- The sofware zoom, zooms into the CENTER only.

(So, when camera is in full-left position, I can not zoom-in to somthing on the left side of such a picture )

In my opinion _IF_ camera zoom is available, that should be used first (keeping the resolution), and then software-zoom. Also, I should be able to _move_ within the zoomed picture.

Note: Crop-zooming at the browser end is to be preferred ! (and it does NOT cost extra bandwidth ... that would be determined by the send-picture pixel size ). So I suggest sse takes another look at the 'flash' part of this thread.
By: sse
Rank: Forum Addict
Topics: 73
From: n/a
Added: 03/26/2006 - 11:05 AM

- I noticed that it does _NOT_ use the Logitech built-in zoom.
I wanted to support zoom for all devices, not just the Logitech Orbit / Sphere. Driver level zoom is planed for one of the next releases of the software.
- The sofware zoom, zooms into the CENTER only.

(So, when camera is in full-left position, I can not zoom-in to somthing on the left side of such a picture )
I think that is considered normal behaviour for any zoom
[..]Also, I should be able to _move_ within the zoomed picture.
That won't be possible with driver level zoom. But you can do just that with LogiCam (available from the member only section). LogiCam does not support tilt/pan with the orbit (yet)...

Once you use a higher resolution for capturing and a lower resolution to deliver the pictures, you won't notice a degration in image quality.

Note: Crop-zooming at the browser end is to be preferred ! (and it does NOT cost extra bandwidth ... that would be determined by the send-picture pixel size ).
I don't agree with that. If you capture 640x480 and deliver 320x240, you only have to transfer 1/4th of the image size, which certainly results in saving bandwidth.

So I suggest sse takes another look at the 'flash' part of this thread.

I have not received any answer from Norman, so there's not much I can look at Undecided