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Wish List: Or do these capabilities exist already?
By: MikeDs
Rank: Frequent User
Topics: 37
From: n/a
Added: 10/26/2009 - 05:02 PM

I love this program, even though I'm still having troubles with FTP and Motion setup. Something's just not working right.

But these are some things I have been trying to do and don't seem to see a way of doing them. Perhaps they could be on a wish list or maybe they exist already.

1) Capture of video instead of just JPGS. There is some mention of this in the documentation but I see no details on how to set it up. I would like to be albe to, at the point of "motion detection" capture a stream of video. And have that video FTP'd or saved locally. If this is currently possible, can someone provide details from initial setup to configuration. I don't see it in the documentation.

2) Capture on point of motion; not just the scene with the most motion. Need this with both video and stills. That is a "capture on motion" not "capture on interval". With the current "interval" option, one must balance the length of the interval, with the need to capture as much movement as possible. It would be a nice feature to have something other than "interval", where any movement (subject to meeting threshold levels) captures any movement. With intervals, you can have more than one movement and only one image saved, meaning you miss potential important motion.

3) It would be nice to have the ability, from the internet, or surveilance point, a way of initiating a high resolution capture (or video) and FTP upload. This would be for instance, if someone was monitoring the camera and saw something they wanted to capture to simply click a button and the photo would be captured and uploaded via FTP or SavedLocally.

4) There needs to be a bit more documentation. There are many things in the setup of the program that are unexplained. For example, what are the threshold limits for triggering? How does this work? What is the point of the count below the trigger level? There are many other fields that don't have explanations, in the configuration. EACH field or checkbox, needs to have the definition, parameters required, and the range of such values. Otherwise, we are just guessing.

5) What is Replay Playback? I see mention of this but nothing that explains how to use it. I assume it's a way to playback captured images (i.e. time lapse) in a video type motion but there isn't any explanation on how do use this feature. I don't even see it mentioned on any of the screens.
By: sse
Rank: Forum Addict
Topics: 73
From: n/a
Added: 10/26/2009 - 05:40 PM

1) Video Save in the Wiki

2) see 'save video on motion' - this might be what you want

3) there used to be a highres.jpg feature - not sure if it still works. Switching resolution takes time, so it does not make much sense for motion detection

4) As most people do not read the documentation, I have stopped to try and document everything.
Most if not all entry fields have tool tips - hold your mouse over the entry field and you'll see a sentence or of information.

There's simply no point in documenting everything if people don't care to read the existing documentation. Also, documentation would have to cover different levels of user experience. While some people only need advanced information and get bored with a 'each and every entry field documentation', others need to be told that you need a driver before AbelCam can use the hardware - so where do you want me to fit in the AbelCam documentation?

5) Replay is available through the included web pages once Local Save is active and both replay frame rate and number of images to show in replay are > 0

See also WebCamServer in the Wiki
By: MikeDs
Rank: Frequent User
Topics: 37
From: n/a
Added: 10/26/2009 - 06:49 PM

Message has been edited, click here to see original content

Regarding your comments on:

#1: I saw the Wiki entry for Video Save but I don't have those screens anywhere. And if a special driver is required, I don't see any docs that explain how to change if from whatever is currently selected.

#2: I don't see a "save video on motion" anywhere on any of my configuration screens. That's where the documentation is limiting. There must be some missing parameter or mode that I'm not in that doesn't make that option available. I don't recall what driver was installed for the device, when I installed it. I probably just used the default.

And what about saving images on motion vs. an interval. I mean, there may be 2 or 3 different changes in a scene before the interval is up. I would like to capture each of those images; not just the one with the most motion. Is that possible?

#3: I guess I don't need high resolution so much as I just need to be able to initiate a capture from a remote location, without having to depend on motion to capture the correct image. Is remote capture initiation possible? Such that I can just click on a button and get a capture to take place? (I mean assuming I modify the web page to include the button and command).

#4: Documentation should cover everything. Documentation for each experience level is never necessary. Just let users decide which part they are interested in. I don't see the logic of not providing documenation, because some choose not to use it. What about those that need it? How is someone supposed to know how to use a program properly, if there is no documentation?

I will check out the tool tips. thanks,

Perhaps when I get more familar with the use of this program, I will be able to help answer some question. Cheesy I really like the program.
By: MelvinG
Rank: Magna Cum Laude
Topics: 661
From: Los Angeles, USA
Added: 10/27/2009 - 10:53 AM

In order to have the various Video Save features available your cam has to be set up to use VideoCapX as the "interface". If you are using TyCapture or VisioForge interface, video recording is not supported. This, in fact, is the main reason VideoCapX is still around.

If you're unsure what I'm talking about with these interfaces, perhaps you haven't got "I am AbelCam expert" checked on Config -> Options? Assuming that Expert is on, every time you do an Add Cam you will be able to chose from a list of "Capture Interfaces" located near the bottom of the Add Capture Device dialog box. This is where you would select VideoCapX. Note: to change the interface on a cam you're already using, Remove it and the re-Add it.
By: MikeDs
Rank: Frequent User
Topics: 37
From: n/a
Added: 10/27/2009 - 10:38 PM

I do have "I am an expert" checked but obviously fibbed at that. Frin

I believe when I installed the software, TyCapture was already selected as the default and I just used that. I did see the VideoCapX ocx driver but not sure how I change it.

Should I just REMOVE a camera and then ADD it back or is there another way?

I'm not sure that I really need the video capture but I would like to be able to "initiate" some capture from a remote site or web page, without having to depend on "motion detection" to capture what I might be interested in. Without the "initiated" capture, one just gets the most motion scene saved. Saving the video at least allows the possibility to capture something of interest.
By: MelvinG
Rank: Magna Cum Laude
Topics: 661
From: Los Angeles, USA
Added: 10/30/2009 - 02:50 AM

Yep, TyCapture is the default selection. To change (on a per-camera basis) Remove the camera and then re-add it. When you click Add Cam to begin the re-adding process, the dialog that appears ("Add Capture Device") has a combobox near the bottom that lets you chose between TyCapture, VideoCapX and VisioForge.
By: ArnoldH
Rank: Newbie
Topics: 0
From: n/a
Added: 11/14/2009 - 07:15 AM

I'm trying to keep up with you guys. When I select the VideoCapX, I can't see an image from the Webcam. Any suggestions?