Right now I got it all working by having a bit messy batch file, but i was thinking if it was possible to make the program do it instead?
Something like
Folders with images:
JPEG2VideoC.exe /ifo="c:/images/" /sub /ifi=*.jpg /ofo="c:/movies/%sub%" /ofi=%sub%__%tFileName%.wmv /delete
And the /sub would then tell it to look at each subfolder in c:/images/ and then put the movie in c:/movies/camera1 where %sub% (or another wildcard) would tell it how to label the folder, and same in the filename.
And a little brainstorm...
An option in abelcam itself, where it was possible to select images from a camera to be made into a video.
To select it, it would require local save to be active (no reason to activate it without having any pictures).
A menu option for the JPEG2Video somewhere, maybe in Configuration, where it was possible to configure the scheduler.
In there there would then just be something like the windows one, just more simple
How often?
Days (0-?) / Hours (0-23) / Minutes (0 - 59) / Starting (00:00 - 23:59)
How i would set it, would then be Days 1, Hours 0, Minutes 0, 00:00 as i would like it to start daily at midnight.
Maybe in the same window, have a list over cameras that would have their images made into videos? OR maybe even have the list where to select the cameras in the same tab?
Here was a few ideas
My first timelapse movie on youtube made with AbelCam)