I sure feel like an AbelCam novice... I have it all set up on my main PC using Logitech 9000 all seems to have gone well and I am sure video is going out via my router. How ever I have not been able to see any thing yet on my X10 Sony phone. I have installed the Android Tinycam Pro software for Adroid.
I am using the default settings recommended during the installation of the AbleCam s/w and I see no plugins are active. I am using win 7.
Auto host is set for
Using release 2011.08.26.
I suspect I can use a Wi-Fi camera eventually talking directly to the router keeping an eye on my mobile home, but using a live cam through the PC has me stumped.. I am leaving my system on while I go out tonight so if any one see's my cam running, could they give me a thumbs up or down which ever is the case. Cheers.