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How to view the video stream?
By: CameronM
Rank: Newbie
Topics: 0
From: n/a
Added: 07/22/2007 - 10:27 PM

I have the Abelcam running on default port 8080 with the video stream port set to the default 8090. I have picked "autohost" which automatically sets the IP address to my external IP.

When I go to http://myipaddress:8080/ from outside I get the abelcam webserver as expected and the images from my cam work perfectly.

When I pick the streaming video page the feed embedded in the page works.

If I pick to view the stream in it's own media player window it does not work because the link is something like: http://localhost:8080/current0-123456.asx which doesnt work.

If I change the link manually and put in http://myipaddress:8090/current0-123456.asx then it works fine. Notice I had to manually put in 8090 instead of the 8080 it tries to go to.

Why is my link showing up incorrectly?

I see in one of the posts that I "should" be able to go to http://myipaddress:some_port/current.asx and get to my video. How can I get this to work instead of current0-123456.asx?

My goals:
Go to http://myipaddress:8080/ from my PDA to see images. Working fine.
Go to http://myipaddress:8090(or8080)/current.asx and see the streaming video from my PDA. Not working (have to use current0-123456.asx).

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