All AbelCam functionality has been terminated October 8th 2019

Edit detail for Text To Speech revision 1 of 2

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Editor: sse
Time: 2011/05/04 11:34:41 GMT+2

Starting from version 4.2.1, AbelCams web server can convert text to speech.

<br><br>Use this url to say something if the <a href="/en/documentation/help/helpform?helpid=5">Speech Interface</a> is active:<br>
<span style="color: blue;">http://localhost:8080/<b>say_this</b>?Hello+World</span><br><br>
use <b>+</b> or <b>%20</b> for spaces.<br><br><br>Sample html code to use this function:<br><br>

	&lt;!--#include file="/include/" --&gt;<br>
&lt;!--#include file="/include/" --&gt;<br>
&lt;h2&gt;AbelCam Say sample&lt;/h2&gt;<br>
	&lt;form action="say_this" method="GET"&gt;<br>
		Enter some text below.&lt;br&gt;AbelCam will attempt to read it for you&lt;br&gt;<br>
		&lt;input type=text name="say" size="100" maxsize="200"&gt;&lt;br&gt;<br>
		&lt;input type="submit" value="Say!"&gt;<br>

Starting from version 4.2.1, AbelCams? web server can convert text to speech.

Use this url to say something if the Speech Interface is active:

use + or %20 for spaces.

Sample html code to use this function:

<!--#include file="/include/" -->
<!--#include file="/include/" -->
<h2>AbelCam Say sample</h2>
<form action="say_this" method="GET">
Enter some text below.<br>AbelCam will attempt to read it for you<br>
<input type=text name="say" size="100" maxsize="200"><br>
<input type="submit" value="Say!">