Thank you for a masterpiece of combining size function extendable affordable. It does all as-expected, and especially the automated registration-key and paypal handling makes it an easy decision to go for the Pro Licence.
with AbelCams builtin webserver you don't need expensive web hosting
The server supports various technologies:
SilverLight, PHP, CGI, Ajax, all documented with templates.
Configure AbelCam remotely with the Web Admin Interface
Read more about the Web Server
Process Captured Images
AbelCam can deliver images to any web browser as
single images, Motion JPEG stream or Windows Media Stream.
three different Capture Interfaces cover all requirements
Use Caption and Overlay Images, scale and zoom on demand
Read more about WebCam
Motion detection / replay
Configure fixed or dynamic Motion detection level
Store images on the local disk or with FTP Upload
Optional email on motion detection
replay detected motion
Read more about Motion Detection
Multiple Camera support
AbelCam supports multiple cameras
Use IP Cameras, USB Cameras and builtin captures devices
as image source. The licensing scheme allows you to
purchase what you need now and get more licenses later.
Read more about Licenses
Two of AbelCams Capture Interfaces can be used as
Windows Media Server. The simplicity of the setup allows
anybody to run Windows Media Streams without much
See also Windows Media Server
Plugin Support
AbelCam supports Plugins extending its functionality.
Plugins offer interfaces to the real world or to services on the Internet.
Hardware control with the X10 plugin, Upload to Picasa with the Picasa plugin
Read more about Plugins
AbelCam lets you:
Manage multiple webcam streams easily.
Avoid using an independent hosting service by using the integrated web server.
Capture images using motion detection.
Who Needs AbelCam? You do if you've ever:
Wanted an effective yet inexpensive remote surveillance solution.
Needed the ability to manage remote webcams with full tilt, pan, and zoom support.
Found the software that came with your webcam to be limiting.