All AbelCam functionality has been terminated October 8th 2019

This software is the best investment I've made in a long time.

 Robert Bayes  more>>



the software supports three video sources:

  • windows capture devices
  • network cameras
  • screen capture

it contains three Capture Interfaces


http://localhost:8080/ default URL after installation
http://localhost:8080/currentX.jpg current webcam picture
http://localhost:8080/currentX.mjpg webcam picture motion jpeg stream
http://localhost:8080/screen.jpg screen capture
http://localhost:8080/screen.mjpgscreen motion jpeg
http://localhost:8080/motionX.mjpg stored pictures motion jpeg

X is the selected camera number

all pictures and streams are scalable

AbelCam® is used with more than 2500 capture devices

AbelCam supports capture device with Multiple Inputs