All AbelCam functionality has been terminated October 8th 2019

Thanks for a fine program. I appreciate your efforts as a fellow programmer. I can appreciate all the hard work you put into this. It does show.

 Chris Churton  more>>


Edit detail for Camera Selection revision 1 of 2

1 2
Editor: sse
Time: 2009/01/08 07:59:58 GMT+0

Camera Selection

 There are three different ways to select which camera will be used for the request: 

 - Parameter:<br>eg. http://localhost:8080/current.mjpg?cam=1<br>http://localhost:8080/current.jpg?size=640x480&cam=0 

 - included in request URL:<br>eg. http://localhost:8080/current1.mjpg<br>http://localhost:8080/current1.jpg 

 - Cookie:<br>
when requesting a URL with one of the two cam selection methods above, AbelCam will set a cookie named cam<br>
Requests without a cam number set will check for the cookie and use that camera, if none if found cam 0 will be used. 

**Note:** if ScreenCapture is enabled, the screen is available as Camera number 99

Camera Selection

There are three different ways to select which camera will be used for the request:

Note: if ScreenCapture? is enabled, the screen is available as Camera number 99