All AbelCam functionality has been terminated October 8th 2019


Is your installation of AbelCam Online?

To determine if your AbelCam installation is online, you may use the following Java Script code:

<script src="" type="text/javascript" ></script>


  • UID
    User ID, this number is listed in the About Form once you have a AbelCam License
  • LID
    License ID, this number is listed in the About Form once you have a AbelCam License
    Camera Number, first camera is number 0
    optional Image URL to use when the camera is offline

The script sets two variables:

  • online
    when the camera is online, this variable is set to 'y', otherwise to 'n'
  • imgurl
    URL for the image if the camera is online, to the offline image URL if the camera is offline
Sample Usage:

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

if (online == 'n') {
  document.write("The Camera is offline")
} else {
  document.write('<img src="' + imgurl + '">');