All AbelCam functionality has been terminated October 8th 2019

Edit detail for Windows Media Server revision 1 of 2

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Editor: sse
Time: 2009/01/21 08:47:39 GMT+0

Windows Media Server

  depending on the Capture Interface used, there are various configuration options for the Windows Media Server.

  See "WMV Streaming":/en/documentation/help/helpform?helpid=63 configuration options per interface

  Access Streaming Video

    The Windows Media Server is configured per Capture Device. 

    The video server has to run on a different port than the web server.

    Use !http://localhost:8080/current<font color="red">X</font>.asx to load the video stream.<br><small><font color="red">X</font> is the camera number</small> 

    This will redirect to mms://localhost:8090 where the video server is running.

    If the video server is off, current.asx will redirect to file offline.wmv in !AbelCams *img* folder. If it cannot be found there, it will take this file from<sup><a href="#1">1)</a></sup>


  See how to configure "Access from an External Server":WindowsMediaStream

Windows Media Server with !VideoCapX

  this server supports WMV on demand.

  "Windows Media Server with VideoCapX":img:

  if you set *Mode* to *On Demand*, the server will only be started when a viewer accesses the video stream

  While the server starts, the viewer will see the video file starting.wmv. This file will be delivered from

!AbelCams *img* folder if it can be found there, else it will be delivered from<sup><a href="#1">1)</a></sup>

Windows Media Server with !TyCapture

  "Windows Media Server with TyCapture":img:

<a name="1"></a>1) this means that you can provide your own offline.wmv and starting.wmv (for !VideoCapX). Make sure those files are not too large.



Windows Media Server

depending on the Capture Interface used, there are various configuration options for the Windows Media Server.

See WMV Streaming configuration options per interface

Access Streaming Video

The Windows Media Server is configured per Capture Device.

The video server has to run on a different port than the web server.

Use http://localhost:8080/currentX.asx to load the video stream.
X is the camera number

This will redirect to mms://localhost:8090 where the video server is running.

If the video server is off, current.asx will redirect to file offline.wmv in AbelCams img folder. If it cannot be found there, it will take this file from www.abelcam.com1)

See how to configure Access from an External Server

Windows Media Server with VideoCapX

this server supports WMV on demand.

Windows Media Server with VideoCapX

if you set Mode to On Demand, the server will only be started when a viewer accesses the video stream

While the server starts, the viewer will see the video file starting.wmv. This file will be delivered from

AbelCams img folder if it can be found there, else it will be delivered from www.abelcam.com1)

Windows Media Server with TyCapture

Windows Media Server with TyCapture

1) this means that you can provide your own offline.wmv and starting.wmv (for VideoCapX). Make sure those files are not too large.