All AbelCam functionality has been terminated October 8th 2019

Thank you for providing the BEST software I could find for monitoring my house, and my dog's safety. I have uninstalled all the other different softwares I tried - there was no comparison!

 Stacey Romanello  more>>


Edit detail for AbelCamstreaming revision 1 of 1

Editor: sse
Time: 2009/01/16 05:02:03 GMT+0

<h2>Applet !AbelCamstreaming</h2>

    provides video with relative motion control<p>

	if the video stream ends, the applet will set the hand cursor.<br>
	clicking on the applet will restart the video stream</p><p>


	all parameters are optional</p><p>

	<font color="green">&lt;param name="</font><font color="blue">image</font><font color="green">" value="</font><font color="blue">current<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">X</span>.mjpg</font><font color="green">"&gt;</font><br>
	&nbsp;&nbsp;motion jpeg stream to retrieve<br>
	&nbsp;&nbsp;default is current.mjpg, set it to motion.mjpg to retrieve stored pictures<br>&nbsp; replace <font color="blue"><span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">X</span></font> with the camera number<br></p><p><br></p><p>

	<font color="green">&lt;param name="</font><font color="blue">width</font><font color="green">" value="</font><font color="blue">640</font><font color="green">"&gt;</font><br>
	<font color="green">&lt;param name="</font><font color="blue">height</font><font color="green">" value="</font><font color="blue">320</font><font color="green">"&gt;</font><br>
	&nbsp;&nbsp;dimensions of the applet, stream will be scaled on the server end</p><p>

	<font color="green">&lt;param name="</font><font color="blue">fps</font><font color="green">" value="</font><font color="blue">4</font><font color="green">"&gt;</font><br>
	&nbsp;&nbsp;frames per second to retrieve</p><p>

	<font color="green">&lt;param name="</font><font color="blue">fps</font><font color="green">" value="</font><font color="blue">4</font><font color="green">"&gt;</font><br>
	&nbsp;&nbsp;frames per second to retrieve</p><p>

	<font color="green">&lt;param name="</font><font color="blue">cam</font><font color="green">" value="</font><font color="blue">0</font><font color="green">"&gt;</font><br>
	&nbsp;&nbsp;which camera to use</p><p>

	<font color="green">&lt;param name="</font><font color="blue">baseref</font><font color="green">" value="</font><font color="blue">http://localhost:8080</font><font color="green">"&gt;</font><br>
	&nbsp;&nbsp;if set, the applet will try to load the stream from that location.<br>
	&nbsp;&nbsp;by default the applet will derive the baseref from the document location.</p><p>

	<font color="green">&lt;param name="</font><font color="blue">nosphere</font><font color="green">" value="</font><font color="blue">true</font><font color="green">"&gt;</font><br>
	&nbsp;&nbsp;use this parameter to disable motion control if you don't own a Logitech Orbit / Sphere</p><p>

	&lt;param name="baserefcam" value="<font color="blue">http://localhost:8080</font><font color="green">"&gt;</font><br>
	&nbsp;&nbsp;set location for the motion jpeg stream, image will be appended</p><p>

	<font color="green">&lt;param name="</font><font color="blue">usercam</font><font color="green">" value="</font><font color="blue">user</font><font color="green">"&gt;</font><br>
	<font color="green">&lt;param name="</font><font color="blue">pwcam</font><font color="green">" value="</font><font color="blue">password</font><font color="green">"&gt;</font><br>
	&nbsp;&nbsp;set user and password for the motion jpeg URL</p><p>

	<font color="green">&lt;param name="</font><font color="blue">basereftp</font><font color="green">" value="</font><font color="blue">http://localhost:8080</font><font color="green">"&gt;</font><br>
	&nbsp;&nbsp;set location for tilt / pan, commands will be appended as requested</p><p>

	<font color="green">&lt;param name="</font><font color="blue">usertp</font><font color="green">" value="</font><font color="blue">user</font><font color="green">"&gt;</font><br>
	<font color="green">&lt;param name="</font><font color="blue">pwtp</font><font color="green">" value="</font><font color="blue">password</font><font color="green">"&gt;</font><br>
	&nbsp;&nbsp;set user and password for the tilt / pan !URLs</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>Example from <span style="color: rgb(51, 204, 0);">wwwroot\java\applets\ <span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">using Server Side Include (<a href="/en/documentation/webserver/ServerSideIncludes">SSI</a>) directives</span><br></span></p><pre>&lt;applet code=AbelCamstreaming.class width="&lt;!--#outputwidth --&gt;" height="&lt;!--#outputheight --&gt;" archive="" codebase="/java/applets"&gt; <br>&lt;param name="cam" value="&lt;!--#currentcam --&gt;"&gt;<br>&lt;!--#include start no tiltpan --&gt;<br>&lt;param name="nosphere" value="true"&gt;<br>&lt;!--#include stop no tiltpan --&gt;<br><br></pre><p><br></p><p>


Applet AbelCamstreaming

provides video with relative motion control

if the video stream ends, the applet will set the hand cursor.
clicking on the applet will restart the video stream


all parameters are optional

<param name="image" value="currentX.mjpg">
  motion jpeg stream to retrieve
  default is current.mjpg, set it to motion.mjpg to retrieve stored pictures
  replace X with the camera number

<param name="width" value="640">
<param name="height" value="320">
  dimensions of the applet, stream will be scaled on the server end

<param name="fps" value="4">
  frames per second to retrieve

<param name="fps" value="4">
  frames per second to retrieve

<param name="cam" value="0">
  which camera to use

<param name="baseref" value="http://localhost:8080">
  if set, the applet will try to load the stream from that location.
  by default the applet will derive the baseref from the document location.

<param name="nosphere" value="true">
  use this parameter to disable motion control if you don't own a Logitech Orbit / Sphere

<param name="baserefcam" value="http://localhost:8080">
  set location for the motion jpeg stream, image will be appended

<param name="usercam" value="user">
<param name="pwcam" value="password">
  set user and password for the motion jpeg URL

<param name="basereftp" value="http://localhost:8080">
  set location for tilt / pan, commands will be appended as requested

<param name="usertp" value="user">
<param name="pwtp" value="password">
  set user and password for the tilt / pan URLs

Example from wwwroot\java\applets\ using Server Side Include (SSI) directives

<applet code=AbelCamstreaming.class width="<!--#outputwidth -->" height="<!--#outputheight -->" archive="" codebase="/java/applets"> 
<param name="cam" value="<!--#currentcam -->">
<!--#include start no tiltpan -->
<param name="nosphere" value="true">
<!--#include stop no tiltpan -->