All AbelCam functionality has been terminated October 8th 2019

The usefulness of my Orbit is about 100 times more than it was before AbelCam.

  Kyle Beatty  more>>


Edit detail for Offline Image per Camera revision 1 of 1

Editor: sse
Time: 2009/03/05 07:03:02 GMT+1

After installation, AbelCam uses one image for all cameras which are configured and added but not active.<br>
The image is located in !AbelCams wwwroot/img directory.<br>
You may replace this image to have your offline image personalized for all cameras.

If you'd like individual offline images per camera, create a image named offline.jpg in the cameras configuration folder.

After installation, AbelCam uses one image for all cameras which are configured and added but not active.
The image is located in AbelCams wwwroot/img directory.
You may replace this image to have your offline image personalized for all cameras.

If you'd like individual offline images per camera, create a image named offline.jpg in the cameras configuration folder.